2012年8月26日 星期日

Episode In My Life

June 11, 2011, the first day I met you. That day I was asking John to accompany me play the Guinness World Record in the angry bird event at Low Yat. John introduced a senior to me, his name is Desmond Teoh. I still remember John say to him "hey, mind you let this little girl queue in front of you?", he reply " ok!". We had a short and simple chatting while we queuing to play the game. I say "hi, my name is Becky, you?", he reply again "I'm desmond". Then he start asked me which intake I am, then we just know each other that he is my senior and I am his junior. Well, I still remember he suddenly asked me "Can I snap you when you play the game on the stage?" I answered to him "ermmmm, ok~". Is my turn to play game, I go to the stage, I didn't realize he had took my photo. After that, we separate to two way, I join my friends. 

Then, I told my friend that I get a new friend in the event, and he is our senior named Desmond. I feel glad that he is the first senior I met in my class. Since we know each other, I start add him in the facebook, and we start chit-chat in facebook and class. 

Then one day he say he want to introduce his "girlfriend" to me. I was waiting and exciting... who knows? His "girlfriend" is his DSLR... LOL!!! That time I was feel weird and get shocked. Then he keep use his "girlfriend" to snap my candid shot. I was like "________"

His "girlfriend"

This is what expression I have when I saw his "girlfriend" --- LAME!!!

Since that day, he keep snap my candid shot when he met me in college. I start feel scare when I saw him and his "girlfriend"... LOL!!! Sound weird right? hahaha... 

Facebook chat become the way for us to chatting, we less talk in college. Then we start "torture" each other. hahahaha... XDD... In the past one year, we become close friend. Since when? He called me "yellow bird" and I called him "blue bird", we treat each other like brother and sister. :) 

He is photography lover, still remember he always share his photo to me during we chatting in Facebook. In august intake, I decided to take photo communication class. That time I am not interesting to photography, but after the class, I get influenced by my lecturer and him. LOL! 

Mr.Valen, My photo communication class lecturer.
End of 2011, I decided to join the photography club - Light@KDU in my college. I learn more about photography. Mr.Valen and him always guide and teach me about photography. :)Now, photography becomes part of my life. If not Mr.Valen and him, I think I won't involved myself in the photography. 

In my fourth semester, I have same class with him again. :) News print media class. As a good sister and friend, I morning call him during the news print media class. LOL!!!... I so nice right? wahahahaha... This become a habit of me. XDD... *Macam YES!!!*.teehee. 

Desmond Teoh, Is time to wake up!!!
Since when I become his alarm???LOL!!!
Before we end our semester, on July 15, 2012, Desmond Teoh in a relationship with Becky Lee. hahaha... We not brother and sister anymore, we are couple. :)Special thanks to my good friend, John Mcray Chong. If not you, I think until now I still don't know who is DESMOND TEOH! hehehehe... :P Deng! Deng! Deng! Deng!

Desmond Teoh and Becky Lee :P

Time really flies, we already together for 1 month and 11 days. Start from next month, we gonna to start our new study life. He going to continue his degree and I going to start my fifth semester soon. :) We still in the same college. hahaha... GREAT!!! I back kl soon, is time for me to off holiday mood and on study mood. Cool!... I also change a new hairstyle... SHORT HAIR!!! Gonna to surprise you all. teehee... Bye... see you guys in college ya...Miss you... 

I miss you... :P

